Leo Clubs

All Saints – Teacher in charge Blaze Reynolds blaze.reynolds@allsaints.wa.edu.au and 0423 617 891 and LEO Advisor Pam Smith paminoz@outlook.com and 0437 592 800

Baldivis LEO Advisor Debbie Tierrney baldivisleosadvisor@gmail.com

and 0408 648 715 President Zak Cenin zakcenin@gmail.com and 0452 277 823

Busselton LEO Advisor Bryn Martin brynmartin1@hotmail.com and 0412 286 842 President Ava Regan NO EMAIL 0403 935 444

Falcon LEO Advisor Margaret Landwehr caslte1150@gmail.com and 0409 879 915 President Jacinta Cross jacintacross2022@gmail.com and 0474 244 491

Gosnells LEO Advisors Karen Molcher leos.gosnells@gmail.com

and 0412 532 427, Kathleen Grey  kathleenmary.grey@gmail.com

and 0451 782 127 and Mary Spray marydave1@iinet.net.au and 0423 102 216

Waroona LEO Advisor Zarli Butcher zarlibutcher@gmail.com and 0448 932 417 President Lily Della Franca lily.dellafranca1321@gmail.com and 0480 228 090

John Clare Western Australian LEO State Coordinator 2022 -2023 AND W2 LEO District Chair 

Debbie Tierrney 2023 -2024 leo.chairman201w2@gmail.com and 0407 0806 71

Leo poster first mtg Bullcreek


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